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The awaited return of the most obvious seasonal signal
The "brilliant" sectors of the sky
An assembly of sacred images

Figures portrayed
by stars in the night,
by nature "dramatic" figures

Why make reference to
seasonal stars.
Measuring time in "moons"

When lunar imagery is combined
with stellar imagery to compose a "mythical cinema"

The human condition
and its development
in the collective memory


French version



Texts related to the research summarized above

L’Enfant de la Nuit d’Orage, Brassac, Poliphile. 1987
Mon Ami Pierrot d’où viens-tu ?
Brassac- Poliphile, 1990
Lumières dans la Nuit : les Argonautes
, Figures, Cahier N°19 du Centre de recherche sur l’Image, le Symbole et le Mythe, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon. 1997
Le Singe et les Etoiles
, Thot, Fontaine, 38603 France, 2000
Le nom de l’Europe
, Thot, Fontaine 2003
Calendriers lunaires, Préhistoire et Mythologie, Thot, Fontaine. 2005

These texts contain numerous explanatory images. If out of print, they may be consulted in libraries or perhaps found on Internet. In France, the best libraries are (photocopy authorized):
The Bibliothèque du Musée de l’Homme (Palais de Chaillot in Paris)
The Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal (Paris)
The Bibliothèque Marey, Beaune, France 21200
The Médiathèque Ceccano, Avignon, France 84000 .

See the site:  www.chez.com/sourcestheatrales

A more detailed bibliography can be compiled from these references. The reader should remember that sources cited in this report are of fundamental importance in terms of collective memory

Orion, recherche sur l’antiquité des Védas, Lokamanya Bal Ganyadar Tilak, translation into French, Archè 1989
Mémoires de la Cour Céleste, Chine, Mythes et Dieux Jacques Pimpaneau, Picquier Editions, 1999
Animisme et Arts Premiers, Pascal Raux, (Thot, Fontaine): a richly illustrated text presenting a large number of prehistoric wall paintings, including the extraordinary human-faced Bison, called the "Pharaoh of Altamira", and other less well-known paintings.

As well as new pathways opened by the research of :

Marylène Patou-Mathis (Paleontology): Néanderthal, Perrin 2005
Chantal Jègues Wolkieviez, (Prehistory and Paleoastronomy), who also published: Lascaux, vision du ciel des Magdaléniens, Valcamonica Symposium, 2000

And if we want a global view of the adventure of human thought and how it conceived its own evolution since its origins, read the texts of Jean Chaline, paricularly:
Un million de générations. Aux sources de l’humanité
. Seuil.2000
And especially:
Quoi de neuf depuis Darwin ? La théorie de l’évolution des espèces dans tous ses états. Ellipse éd. 2006 An extraordinarily complete and detailed book that compiles contributions by various researchers over the last two centuries. It is conceived in the open-minded spirit characteristic of the author. It more than amply clarifies whether such and such a deduction is objectively scientific or predetermined by religious belief.

René-André Lombard, january 2007

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